Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wishes and Dreams

I sometimes pretend I'm in a different place.
Not too far away from home, but just far enough to be free and lost in a different world.
When I was younger, I saw life from a different perspective. I thought differently and wanted different things. I find it so crazy that as an adult the worries of money and future creep in more and more with each passing day. I know when I'm lost in my imagination I feel like I'm flying and I'm on my own high that I can't explain to anyone.
Music helps take me to these places much faster and I just get lost in all the beautiful fantasies that help me see a better version of myself. Maybe that is why I dream so many different realities and find such satisfaction in these moments.
In my dreams I'm this confident woman that is smart and clever. I can do things that otherwise in reality I find impossible. I'm the heroine in every scene. I live and breathe different air that fills my lungs with this magical atmosphere that gives me strength.
I find it hard to pick a profession. In some ways I just wish something would just fall into my lap. I wish God would just say "Here you go! This is what you are going to do for the rest of your life." But honestly where is the fun in that? I guess I lack patience. I lack a lot of things I'm learning, but I try not to let that keep me down.
Maybe I just need to find the excitement in reality. It seems we don't do that enough as people. So many people go through life earning a living and we fail to see the joy in the small things. I know I've probably written about such things in the past, but it seems to be constantly on my mind the past two years. I jump from one passion to another- if I was even passionate about anything in the first place. I find myself to be quite lazy most of the time. And maybe thats the deep problem right there.
I'm thankful God is always there. He brings me peace that I can't find anywhere else.

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